If you are a small business owner, then you’ve probably heard that you should be repurposing your content. Please don't roll your eyes at me, I know I know!

In this blog, I'm going to explain how to do this step by step, so that it is digestible and easy for you to replicate in your own business.

Step 1: Original content 

Your original piece of content (what you’ll be repurposing) will need to be long form content. This is a larger piece of content that contains the bulk of the information you want to share. Starting with long form content allows us to strategically pick it apart and spread it across our platforms.

Some examples of your long form content could be a YouTube video, a podcast, a blog, etc.

Step 2: Breaking down your original content

Once you have chosen your long form content source, you’re going to divide it into two categories: written content and video content.

Written content will include blog posts, emails, Instagram posts, and Pinterest content.

Video content will include things like TikTok, Pinterest idea pins, reels, and IG stories.

You’ll break apart your long form content into smaller, bite-size pieces that work for each content format.

We’re already at EIGHT different pieces of content, and we’re not done yet!


Step 3: Take it even further

Take this concept even further by repeating the same subtopic in different formats.

For example, if your YouTube video lists three tips or how-to steps, you could make each tip an individual reel. THEN you could create 3 emails around those exact same tips.

Say you break down your long form content into 3 smaller sections, for each section, you can create at least 8 pieces of content (listed in the section above). That’s 24 pieces of content!

Then, you may be able to strategically create more pieces of content within each platform. For example, I may create 8 different graphics for Pinterest that are all related to the same content topic and just change up the verbiage each time.

You can also use reels and trending audio to your advantage to share different angles of one piece of content. Get creative!!

Sharing your repurposed content

Now, do I post 24 different pieces of content every single time that I create a YouTube video?

That is a hard no.

You certainly can, if that is part of your content strategy, but I typically will save some of the repurposed content to cycle through later.

For example, I wouldn’t share a reel and a carousel on the exact same topic all at the same time. I’ll share one and then keep the other in my pocket to use later (maybe on those days I don’t feel like writing new content)!

Now you have a starting point for repurposing your content! Use these tips to strategically create your own repurposing plan so you can start working smarter (not harder) and avoid burnout from constantly churning out brand new content.

Want a more in-depth walk through this strategy? Check out this YouTube Video where I break it all down!


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